# Load packages
Import web-based API
All web-based 2 APIs have always the same structure: they consist of a URL to a domain and a path to an endpoint. For instance: http://example.com/api where http://example.com is the URL and /api is the path to the endpoint. In recent years, JSON has become the most common answer format by far. JSON is a simple text file that uses special characters and conventions to bring structure into its contents.
train_raw = read_csv("./data/train.csv")
test_df = read_csv('data/test.csv')
# identify count of NAs in data frame
## For data frames, a convenient shortcut to compute the total missing values in each column is to use colSums():
## head of data, formatted
formattable(head(train_raw)) ## In python: sns.set_style('whitegrid')
train_df = train_raw %>%
janitor::clean_names() %>%
mutate(survived = as.factor(survived))
There are in total nrow(train_raw )
passengers on the list, while the missing values in total are sum(is.na(train_df))
and sum(is.na(test_df)) respectively.
Actually, with a closer look at the data, we can find missing values mainly fall into the category of
and ` Age, few are in
Embarked ` in train dataframe, 1 in Fare
in test_df.
Descriptive statistics
## Survived
## survival: 0 = No, 1 = Yes
ggplot(train_df, aes(x = survived, stat = "count")) +
geom_bar(aes(fill = sex), width = 0.7) +
coord_flip() +
theme(legend.position = "top") +
theme_bw() +
scale_x_discrete(labels = c("No","Yes")) +
ggtitle("Survived profile of Titanic passengers")
Dealing with missing value
## 1. Assign mode value for missing Embarked rows
train_df = train_df %>%
mutate(embarked = ifelse(is.na(embarked), mode(embarked), embarked)) %>%
## 2. Cabin: assign NA mark for missing entries
mutate(cabin = ifelse(is.na(cabin), 'u0', cabin))
## 3. Age: an important indicator for prediction, use RandomForest
## choose training data to predict age
age_df = train_raw %>%
select('Age','Survived','Fare', 'Parch', 'SibSp', 'Pclass')
age_df_notnull = age_df %>%
filter( is.na(Age) == F )
age_df_isnull = age_df %>%
filter( is.na(Age) == T )
# Use RandomForestRegression to train data
RFR = randomForest(
formula = Age ~ .,
data = age_df_notnull)
pred.Age = predict(RFR , age_df_isnull)
## Insert the predicted value for Ages
train_df = train_df %>%
mutate(age = ifelse(is.na(age), pred.Age, age))
Data analysis
(1). Lady First principle
## cross tables
corr_df = train_df %>%
mutate(sex = ifelse(sex == "female", 0, 1)) %>%
select(survived, pclass, sex, age, sib_sp, parch, fare)
with(train_df, CrossTable(sex, survived))
(2) Ticket class and survival rate: Pclass
## 1 = 1st, 2 = 2nd, 3 = 3rd
with(train_df, CrossTable( pclass, survived))
## survival: 0 = No, 1 = Yes
ggplot(train_df, aes(x = as.factor(pclass), stat = "count")) +
geom_bar(aes(fill = survived), width = 0.7) +
theme(legend.position = "top") +
theme_bw() +
scale_x_discrete(labels = c("1st","2nd", "3rd")) +
xlab("passenger classes") +
ggtitle("Distribution of survival rate among 3 classes on Titanic")