Stand by me


Posted by Shan J. on August 27, 2020

 当夜幕降临,黑暗笼罩大地, 皎洁的月光是我们唯一的指引, 我们不会害怕,不会恐惧只要你在我身边,站在我身边.



而我作为Gen Z, 有幸出生在这个万物互联的世界,万物皆可搜(虽然不至于光屁股的婴儿照也被po在网上), 而且也非常敏感于,也热爱探索人们平时说话,和各家各国媒体报道中的片言片语(如果真的有天赋的话,估计我99%的天赋都在于此了吧)也正因为如此,常常会记录些感受和心得(废话解千愁)。同时我似乎一直清楚地有着自己在当下最享受的事情,虽然兴趣点会变得很快,但是比较幸运的是,无论在什么时候,我总可以找些令自己兴奋的点,同事说我每天脸上都是笑哈哈,像个大傻子,许个愿,工作两年后,希望自己依旧如此,一蓑烟雨任平生。


希望二三十年后,考古挖坟的我家孩子(如果有的话,或者好朋友家的孩子) 不会觉得这是个半途而废的怪阿姨。







最后,小时候那个想当画家,高中想当记者的女孩,在大学迷上了医学社会学,去纽约学了生物统计,本想继续在港岛继续新闻传播的学术生涯,却意外来到了这家以记录美好生活为使命的互联网公司,回到了上大学之前的起点,正在为一个Gen Z自己社区的发声平台工作,或许时代命运造就如此,或许国际化的大浪拍打至此,也或许梦想本不该设有任何边界,就是去寻找那些心里缺失的碎片,拼成了如今的我。清醒地认知自己能力的边界,确实是一件至幸之事。

When the night has come, and the land is dark, and the moon is the only light we’ll see. No I won’t be afraid, oh I won’t be afraid just as long as you stand, stand by me.    Why we always need to keep a track of life?

Imagine in 20 years, kids are gonna be listening to this, and are gonna be saying “i was born in the wrong decade”. When you show them the old gold days you had, the branched roads and possible options you have chosen from, will evidently convince these youngsters, I believe, some times a record can resist the elapsed time.

When I was seven, I was dreaming about becoming a girl who can take her brushes to draw her favorite scenes in CAFA. During then, going to the after-school drawing lessons is the best time I can escape from the noisy farmer‘s market where my parents did their business. Until the Covid-19 epidemic comes, I gradually learned that how difficult it would be if no such a habit was developed in my childhood, colorful memories and inspirations are always generated from the creative sessions.

When I was seventeen, I became a girl who is not obedient yet aloof. After been treated as top student and enjoyed some privileges in my class, I lost my self and was quite confident that I would be fully dedicated to the freedom of press, and try to become a unique journalist as I was pointing to a report presenting Prime Minister Wen’s role-modeling effect on

Time flies. When I did get closer to sociology, learned more about the basic economics theory and quantitive methods, soon I got bored with the subject matter itself, and I lost the eager to record what I did and what I thought through. I was drawn to the medical sociology as I was quite lost in the mystery of death, and the unlimited freedom.

To be frankly, when I was back in college, anti-utilitarianism is always a popular topic among students. We would have limited tolerance towards the ambitious. Everyone seems to know about what the utilitarianism refers to, while no one can really catch the meaning of anti-utilitarianism in my memory.

At the end of the ivory tower life, I felt a sense of boredom and being pushed a lot. Actually this sense still embed in my body, I would treat it as an inborn quality, always perfecting the tasks in detail, as long as I think is right, even though the pursuit is not profitable. However, the enthusiasm always fades when somebody pushes behind, when there are endless paper calls. I do appreciate the sense of achievement, however, that is not the whole picture of life.

TikTok has been at the center of a diplomatic storm between Washington and Beijing, and I launched my professional dream starting this July. No one will be able to tell the seven-year-old Shan what will be a nice future and what path she would choose. TikTok is also a young start-up, energetic and no boundaries, allowing me much freedom of exploring myself and somehow landed my imagination for a novel media. This community belongs to Gen. Z.