No one likes to think of death as preventable, and yet so many of these are.
200,000 deaths, 911 deathtoll of 66 days, a sum of of tally for 5 wars in the US history.
Simple public health knowledge and the capability to implement, that seems to be an unreachable actions to the splitted nation. Preventing transmission is not a job being appreciated, while there are many healthcare workers who are fully committed to it.
Paying tribute to RBG
Being inspired by Ruth. // 吾辈爱自由。
0918, when RBG was hospitalized at Baltimore for months, finally she died at 87. Hundreds of clerks dropped everything and headed to Washington DC. for a final mission: honoring their beloved boss. // 九月十八,当金斯伯格在巴尔的摩的霍普金斯医院逝世的时候,一百多名她曾经的助理们都放下了手边的工作,前往DC去最高法院进行悼念。
Actually, she is my alumna. Out of 500 students, she is the only 9 female students who entered the Harvard Law while later on she transferred to Columbia where she finished her JD degree. //事实上,我一直以为RBG是哈佛法学院的毕业生,但当我仔细地观察她的一生,我才发现,原来是我的校友,从康奈尔毕业之后转学到哥大法学院(如今的法学院墙壁上还有她的壁画)拿到了学位。
To gradually take actions for change or just being suspicious of the self-meaning or value, she did not realize that the possibility of becoming the Supreme court judge. //
Modern times, people, especially the Gen. Z. are crazy about their aspire of expression, sometimes the Hooligan logic are popular among the young. Back to the 60s, the way women fight against the reality is by doing it and showing people their own determinations, no matter how hard it is for her. // 当代,尤其是z世代,对于言论的表达十分狂热,如果回到60年代,女性对抗现实的方式就是发声,向人们展示她们的决心,无论多么困难,社会运动在那个时代,风起云涌。
While now, I am gonna tweet about it once I saw it. That is what I would do, however, the sad truth is that this is the only thing that I would do at most.// 而这个时代,当看到不公,我的第一反应可能就是转发, 但是这也就是我唯一可以做的了。
The fun fact is that in 2019, I also witnessed the strike for Grad school of Mailman as Columbia is reluctant to offer a decent pay for the young, even if they have contributed much time and effort than these experienced. And we are not the only generation, RBG mentioned the same story back into 1970s, when she was teaching in the Columbia Law. It seems that the blind spot is still there, but the good news is that it became less and less.
Stunning Male Gaze
How to embrace the changes, distinct perspectives and behave under males’ gaze are not easy to answer.
Quoting two messages from RBG’s mom who died at 47 for reminding myself:
Do not be distracted by emotions like: anger, envy and resentment.These just zap energy and waste time. Be a Lady, and be able to manage on my own.
- 2018 documentary: R.B.G
- Notorious R.B.G: