
Posted by Shan J. on November 8, 2020


Miracle in Cell No. 7 is a touchable movie, even though it is not based on a true story.




I was feeling overwhelmed, scared when I was wrapping up my personal statement and handed it to the staff at Columbia Philosophy building,

Van Epp, J. (2007). How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk. New York, NY: McGraw Hill. This book is available as a paperback and as an e-book.

The age effect on marriage is more curvilinear than linear, there is a high risk when you are very young.


I really love the symphony!!! A loud shout out to the musician and the 4K recordings.


A fang is a long, pointed tooth.

I miss the good old pre-COVID days, is it possible for a chef to be a good data scientist? That is true. Why shall I use the credentials to rule out all the possibilities?

Members of prague cello quartet are quite attractive. Phamtom of the Opera being performed with Cello can be charming enough for me, and the reconnection with the good old friend is also a nice thing.

Do not sacrifice yourself and your personal mental health to the unloved things or persons, that is the most important thing I would like to emphasize. Always have a reasonable control of the emotions, stay alarmed.

Keep consistent logic in multiple ends to ensure a seamless user experience.


Super light Japanese Soymilk custard cake is super sweet for me, I cannot take in that much sugar.

好抑郁,好烦躁 真的难受的,中卫通的秋天,闷。


QPS每秒查询率(Query Per Second)

每秒查询率QPS是对一个特定的查询服务器在规定时间内所处理流量多少的衡量标准,在因特网上,作为域名系统服务器的机器的性能经常用每秒查询率来衡量。对应fetches/sec,即每秒的响应请求数,也即是最大吞吐能力。 (看来是类似于TPS,只是应用于特定场景的吞吐量)


  1. 自动续订真的是容易忘,但是你可以举报啊!

  2. 十一月真的是个离别的月份,和过去告别,即便最后是锋利的回忆和模糊的眼睛,但是放手就不会回头了,也更理解可能每一次相见都是最后一次的擦肩了。





  1. 损人不利己是一种博弈的结果,是坏的纳什均衡。也是为了规避损失,但是在日常相处中,需要这样的解决方式么?讲话和行为方式上的差异,是真的不可原谅的么?


  2. 前后考虑十年再去做出选择,这个成本太高,也不实际,我常常会陷入这个困境, 确切说来我是个矛盾体,没有足够强大的定力,即便之前在学校里有着自律的习惯,但是,思维的敏锐性似乎有待打磨。

    Think too much when doing the decision making, probably it is out of the fact that I do not have a strong enough mind and I am lacking the absolute mental clearness when making life decisions.

  3. 是新冠后遗症么?我不知道。而且也不清楚从什么时候开始,看问题总习惯去看最消极的一面,虽然这样可以为自己预期到可能会发生的最坏的后果,可能是大学以来,一直被碾压,不够自信的一种内心反击吧,怎么改变呢?我也不知道,可能只是到了个新环境,也可能从学校出来的不适,不给自己找借口了,还是要成长的。但是我相信日子会慢慢变好的,即使不会,我也会试着拥抱阳光。

I was broken when I return from the States, I need some time to recover, and I am gonna make it.


Biden made it and he is on track to win more than 300 Electoral College votes , it seems to be an end for Trump’s administration. Us has found their leader, but where is love for this broken world? If you never know truth, then you never know love. Would you turn the other cheek?

Father, father, help us, send some guidance above.

Let’s watch some blue wave (credit to a friend from CUNY):

The daily 7pm clapping from our windows all across NYC to thank our first responders, healthcare and essential workers makes me so proud during the dark times. This time, even the death toll has climbed over 200K, the excitement and claps are echoed in every street in the NYC.

Forget about the pains, we need to care each other and make the right decision.
