Painful Believer | 胜事自知

Posted by Shan J. on January 9, 2021


Friends don’t pity, they only schadenfreude. – why women kills?




不可否认,是时代影响,80-90年代,美苏冷战,信息流通速度还是很慢,公众没有被曝光在巨大的信息场域中,mainland China本身获取知识的渠道都非常有限。但是那个时代的思考是用力的,是深入的。表达自己的单纯的想法,在那个天真的年代,是美好的,而如今大家都在抢着说,也有人努力捂住别人的嘴,不太想让别人说,还有一些大家都不太敢说,但都普遍默认的事情,都成了那些改变当下现实和未来轨迹的线索。

相对来说,20年的巨大转变后,现在的这个场域也变得太复杂了,我对这个社会的理解,似乎也非常支离破碎,理解的成本太高,传统媒体的腔调,新兴杂志的迎合,都不是我眼中的客观他者, 多样化的spectrum下, 文化产品的表现似乎也缺少与时代共振的节奏,真正能够留下的深刻记忆点很少。


现在的我,还没有办法将生命中的每一天都当作最后一天来过。但是现在的我正在努力修炼,不要过于集体欢腾,也不要沉湎于过去,可以说过去的这个元旦,几乎是我这几年里过得最普通的跨年了,就是普通的一天,在我工作的城市,努力不要浪费时间罢了。虽然会对自己有所期待,但每一步都缓缓走出,我希望到了生命尽头,我也能这样能够把生命中的最后一天,当作平凡一天来过。Daddy说我没有年轻人的热情和朝气,似乎太过淡定,像个冷眼旁观的人,王维说得好:”兴来每独往,胜事空自知。” 我有个丰富的自我世界,只是大多数人都不会懂也不会愿意懂,我的热爱和坚持只给值得的人和事,那些负面的情绪和生活中的起伏真的就只是drama,几年后再回忆,应该也不会想起吧,所以何必为了过客,长出多一条皱纹……

虽然最近发生的一些事很想让我写下这样的毒鸡汤 (不要听x3,只是应激保命大法):

  1. 不要妄想得到他人的理解
  2. 也不要以出于自己以为的善意给予


Human and Person

Stormed the Capitol: who are the real saboteurs?

Here is the basic question: how old is the American democracy history?

The Washington Post has described it to be 244-year-old, but true democracy in America is only 55 years old, dating to 1965, the year the Voting Rights Act guaranteed suffrage—at least on paper—to all American citizens, regardless of race (Before this change, women were granted suffrage merely after the 1920s. )

Since the founding of the American society, the constitution accepted the existence of slavery and these renowned and influencial founding fathers have imagined that this ideal union will maintain blessings of liberty they designed for themselves could be extended to others.

The mobs, who were officially called MAGA insurrectionists, are waivering their arms to protect against Trump being kicked out. For them, an escalation of violence makes them feel proud and they themselves are labelled patriots within the group, the shining glory and recoginition rises in their heart, nothing else can be compared with that joy. Collective effervescence (CE) is the best way to describe the chaotic scenes we saw in the Capitol Hill, coined by Émile Durkheim in 1912.

Then I would ask, as they themseleves found the actions as the extremes of a continiumn of their love and loyalty to the democratic system, who are the real saboteurs?

One possibility, then, is to call the Sixth of January a “race riot.” Its participants were overwhelmingly white; many were avowedly white supremacists. They shall never be the last riots and their voices and actions will deviate something we believed as that consitutes the public opinion and is a critical form of social life, even though for now they are deemed as rebellions by mainstream power.