Escape the mundane


Posted by Shan J. on July 20, 2023

少年听雨歌楼上,红烛昏罗帐。壮年听雨客舟中,江阔云低,断雁叫西风。 而今听雨僧庐下,鬓已星星也。悲欢离合总无情,一任阶前点滴到天明。


Phew! What a holiday, touring through 4 provinces and dozens of cities, ultimately I flew from Shanghai to get back to Singapore.




Today, I finally have the chance to do some catch-up with ex-colleague who is based in Germany. While even though EU’s working hours are okay, he is also sharing that high tech is cultivating a sense of squeezing. It’s never rewarding a person who can stay there for decades, everyone is just the tool for gaining high profits.



当代文化精神的一个关键词:疲惫, 来自心理上的 compartmentalization。




Ubiquitous 最近在请人做TikTok watcher, 每个小时100$, 截止日May 31st, 应该是某些groupie fans的Dream job了,主要目标就是发现trend, 说实话,TT的 trend PM就应该先get hands dirty, 看他十小时再说。


Etsy design looks great, when you only pays below 10 bucks to get a professional logo design, it’s quite attractive, isn’t it?


极兔集运空运到SG,1.5kg = 37 RMB ~5 天时间 door to door delivery, 相当之迅速。


最近连续几晚都被itch闹醒,终于迎来了到热带气候的一大关,皮肤湿疹/红肿/蚊虫叮咬,听同事说,来新加坡十几年,经历过很多次的皮肤问题,在NUS潮湿的宿舍环境里,长满疹子,都熬过来了,all in all, 此乃新加坡必修课之一。



昨天和01年的新SDS PM沟通,发现在TNS这样重短期效率,轻长期建设的地方,如果用传统平台产品的思路来制定目标和日常实践,那么天然地做事的影响力会大大削弱,并且很明显给人以劳而无功的感觉。



为什么在我眼里xhs 是多样化生活方式最好的杀手?

93年,The McDonaldization of Society 中Ritzer 提出了消费的麦当劳化,大家在所有世界上不同的城市,都可以通过chain store拿到标准化,质量稳定的食物,即便味道一成不变,即便可能让人觉得乏味,但其带来的高效率和产出比却让想盈利的大型组织无法拒绝。

如今30年后,SNS的流行,不仅让消费变得单一(追求网红shop/clothes/travel destinations), 甚至让人们休闲娱乐的生活方式都变得单调乏味。推荐系统会给你展示平台里有浏览,有高点击,高转化的商品,在多巴胺的奖赏下,你一次次的陷入这个陷阱,再用辛苦工作余下的微不足道的资本在购买微不足道的快乐。



三年前,dynadot的.com 顶级域名三年价格是59/yr, 如今已经涨到了78/yr,而且美元汇率还不怎么好,真是艰难世道。又重新续上了3年。


The counterpart of the Verge in China, which I recently encountered, is called Pandaily, a social-media platform providing news feed in TMT area in China.

Inside(r) out on TikTok hearing:

Mar 27th, after a five-hour long hearing at Capitol Hill, Chew stepped out of the room.

Such embarcement towards public, though typical for American tech tycoons, with it is still new for Chinese-blood companies.

As a previous employee who worked in Trust and Safety team in TikTok for 2 years, I can still feel the extremely high stress and anxieties felt by Chew, like our regularly-held PRD review, the PM is challenged by stakeholders from US, Dublin, Beijing and Singapore. Sometimes in order to make sure the product feature can be successfully launched, you may need to finish 5 or more rounds of discussions with compliance team ahead of time. The annoying and lengthy process is usually the first obstacle, as the offices are dispersed in distinct timezones, overcoming early morning/late-night meeting challenge is often the second step. Until then, you’ve just reached the start-point of the product development, after the engineers take the request and enter the code writing stage, usually one month is past.

I know it may sound quite familiar for readers with experience in this niche, however, the notable compliance practices we were making were much heavier than any other peers in the industry.

some user commented it was like a mental torture for the attractive CEO.

Beyond US, EU also has the same suspicions on TikTok, so what about next? Maybe setting up more localized servers and paying more fine. Hopefully, my colleagues stay there will be well-compensated under the pressure from the governments.




The three common strategies a Rcmd PM can do:

1)Increase dedicated recall queue 2)Add item listing time in the ranker features 3)Boost the top new items to allocate more traffic on the trendy novel items


最近的一个观察是:Singlish/Chinglish 的表达因为讲求效率,往往会牺牲掉语言之美和礼貌,让人觉得非常冷漠。但是American English却截然不同,从发音上就额外音调洪亮,该省略的词就省略,但大多数时候简单直接,非常易懂。

side hustle = 副业