
“Adventures fill my soul"
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人生足迹 | Life-Journey

生于皖南,学于北京和纽约,浪迹过上海,如今工作和生活的物理活动范围,主要在赤道旁的小破岛(1°17′N, 103°50′E),非常崇尚互联网空间的侠客情结,常分享一些新鲜的可视化技术或统计tutorial。




  1. Health:用好Class-pass,周末运动至少1 hr
  2. Emotions:适度的peer pressure或许可以帮助自省,但over-thinking就不必了

2022年度小目标 (Achieved)

  1. Post-Covid:认识情绪的第二步是慢慢学会与之共处;
  2. Habit:重新拾起网球和zumba;
  3. Work:减少不必要的加班,遇事有优先级排序;
  4. Reading:读完 little womencatcher in the rye.

2021年度小目标 (Achieved)

  1. 学习: 情绪的辨识和正确表达?不要长期压抑负面情绪。意识我给身边人带来了压力之前,应该先考虑自己想要的,有没有被正确的表达出来。
  2. 健康: 多睡觉,少熬夜,多喝水,少陷在情绪中,减少使用社交媒体,减少传播负面情绪。
  3. 运动:坚持至少每周跑一次步,52周的话,就是52次🏃‍♀️。
  4. 价值:发掘自己,认识世界,执着于追求理想状态的平衡,极力对抗消费主义导向。
  5. 生活:能够把自己曾经爱上的 Ukelele /skateboard 都好好玩起来,能给自己做好吃的饭。
  6. 阅读:每周找个专属于我的小情绪出口:做饭,买彩票,还有看电影和zumba,今年两本原版书 + x本中文书,最近总是躺在《台北人》怀里睡着,中《一把青》的毒很深。
  7. 记录:坚持每周记录一些工作/生活中的反思和感悟。



About me

In 2020, I graduated from Mailman school of Public Health, Columbia University. During 2020-2022, I worked in TikTok as a rookie product manager, after being locked down in Shanghai for 2 months, I decided to seek a new place to continue my professional life. After moving to Singapore, I worked in Shopee for 15 months until Oct 2023, focused on recommendation strategy design for cross-border e-commerce business.

Currently, I am enjoying my career break. If you think I am a good fit, please hit my curriculum vitae.

However, I do believe the occupational identity is merely a tiny facet of me:

  • Biological Structure: A five-foot-six girl (she/her/hers).
  • Social identity: a daughter, runner and an annoying reader who gives harsh comments.
  • A Critical Don Quixote: An Anti-social tomboy.

Digital footprints

  How many roads must a man walk down
  Before you call him a man?
  -- Blowin' in the Wind, Bob Dylan

I was Born and raised up in Anhui, China(30.64° N, 117.85° E),
Entered college in Beijing, China(39°57′N, 116°17′E) and enjoyed four years,
Then studied and interned in New York City, NY(40.71° N, 74.01° W) for two years,
In 2020, I returned Beijing, China(39°57′N, 116°17′E) and worked for a year,
Now I am living & working in Singapore, China(1°17′N, 103°50′E).

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.


Krystle Wright
Imperial, Nebraska
It’s a tough thing to see because you feel this contradiction. On one hand it’s just like, Oh my God, I can’t believe I’m witnessing this absolute phenomenon. But then at the same time, particularly when it’s going through a town, you realize, Well, this is absolutely destroying lives.
Photographer Krystle Wright and fellow storm chasers arrived on the scene just as a supercell storm spitting lightning threatened a farm with a UFO-like “mother ship” formation in May 2019. The team’s timing that day was “sheer luck,” Wright recalls. After retreating from a storm in Colorado that pounded their SUV with hail, they crossed into Nebraska and caught up to this system at the apex of its power.