Age Is Just a Number


Posted by Shan J. on February 7, 2021


The AMC and GME stocks are on a tear, they have gained great attractions from the investors.

Under the hood, you can find that these stocks are bought by someone who are overwhelmingly doing the same thing as people who are working as hard as they can to make effort to make their life better.


连续第二天五点半🕠起床,是因为昨晚自制的avocado smoothie,可能因为是自己不舍得丢过期一天的鲜牛奶,也有可能就是因为牛油果 🥑的核都已经黑了~whatever,今早跑了四趟洗手间,I know it is a mistake while I did it on a pussy morning.

看着AMC的股价一路走低到7块附近,真的考验人性,这周的走势结局最多也不过就是Total Loss,参考下图,几乎这些炒作起来的股票都走到了这一轮热点的尽头。东边日出西边雨,KLM光速给我的账户退款,再也不用担心那张去荷兰的机票该怎么用了,因为本身就是一趟不可能的旅程。


或许能start over, 1984年不仅有奥威尔的歌颂,也有 Joanie Loves Chachi 的欢乐时光。

Euthanized - 安乐死



Imprimatur (Latin: “let it be printed”) 写作是把思想理清的过程。

It sucks to be me.


Whose life sucks more? We shall never ask this sort of question.

春节的红包到账。利是封(Lai see) 起源于广东话 ~ Red Packet/envlope

miscellanea in British English


kuaishou surges by 181% on their Debut in HongKong Capital market, though I never thought about that they are backed by Tencent. Oh my god, how large their realm can be in 2030? Compared with the giant empire, ByteDance is really only a barbarous unicorn in my eyes, poor management maybe a huge issue under the hood.


接着重温我去年上半年未看完的剧集: Orange is the new Black,没想到 Piper的男朋友在NY电台上曝光了这个监狱中每个女人的故事,而且在他眼里,这些罪犯都无法和正常社会中的人们相提并论。

“Dandelion” is the nickname affectionately given to Piper Chapman by Suzanne Warren (aka Crazy Eyes)

在这种情况下,所有听了电台节目的曾经的好友们都开始孤立Pipe。暗恋Piper的Crazy Eyes在给她讲完自己故事之后,piper才知道她曾经对于身边人的评价是有问题的,作为少数educated的被囚禁者,她被叫做college, 成为WSB的一员。但是真的很好奇dandelion来形容女孩子究竟是怎样的寓意?

because she is tall and blonde? [欧洲中心主义审美]

Side Notes: “7 Rings” interpolates the melody of “My Favourite Things,” an iconic song romantic self-saboteur.



今天吃完一个可爱多,一个小小的Cornetto,黑白色相间,甜度逐渐爆表,以前最爱的waffle craker,现在却是我最不喜欢吃的地方了,哈哈哈,人是会变,就像溪水不断流淌,你永远留不住那些逝去的岁月,时间只能穿过我们的身体,带给我们人生不一样的体验,即便是挫折,伤害,抑或是那些无法挽留的人或事,都像是不断冲刷这条溪流两岸的水花,我们最终能看见的只有沟壑,却看不到那些浪花 🌊。

All animals are living in the present, but not humans, that is why human created the concept Hope.



I think what I want is for someone to know me. Really know me. Know me better than anyone else and maybe even me. Isn’t that why we commit to another? It’s not for sex. If it were for sex, we wouldn’t marry one person. We’d just keep finding new partners. We commit for many reasons, I know, but the more I think about it, the more I think long-term relationships are for getting to know someone. I want someone to know me, really know me, almost like that person could get into my head.

What would that feel like? To have access, to know what it’s like in someone else’s head. To rely on someone else, have him rely on you. That’s not a biological connection like the one between parents and children. This kind of relationship would be chosen. It would be something cooler, harder to achieve than one built on biology and shared genetics. I think that’s it. Maybe that’s how we know when a relationship is real. When someone else previously unconnected to us knows us in a way we never thought or believed possible.” ― Iain Reid, I’m Thinking of Ending Things

事实上,有一句关于 Mussolini 的老话是这样说的:”Mussolini 让火车准时运行了。” 这些人的想法是:即使是独裁者也会有优点。

BTW, there was a brief discussion over the authoritarian Benito Mussolini in the movie. The female protagnist was sharing her poem with her boyfriend in the car, she seems sort of far away with a pale face, telling her boyfriend she was just having some vague stuff inside her head. As these two are on their trip to the boy’s parents’ home, the girl feels like something effable as this trip is just like Mussolini’s train, it’s always on time.

In fact, in the WWI, there is a saying goes like this:

it is Mussolini who made the train runs on time.

Yet, these nice stories are just make-ups, the railway system was improved before he came to power. That is very true.