Practicing self love


Posted by Shan J. on August 22, 2021


你待过的城市 都会成为你性格的一部分 就好像你爱过的恋人 都会成为你性格的一部分 – 罗智成






换了城市,丢弃了曾经在北京的network,在上海完全重新开始,需要一点点来,be patient。


毕竟,获得正向反馈真的是很开心的。和大家齐心协力完成事情的感觉很不错,如今坐在 Server-side Engineers 一起,生活得更加井井有条,也学到了很多新的ideas。

最近这三周也在不断地熟悉漕河泾的周边,跑完了一个8公里,骑完了13公里的路程到淮海中路,还有幸被罚款50,刚开始还觉得余庆路这条路,可以relate to《庆余年》,有种灵性的开心,一路上梧桐叶深深,可惜了,在武康路过完宋庆龄故居,就被警察叔叔👮拦下来,御风而行的快感一点都没了,取而代之的是非常难捱的认错之旅。铁打的淮海中路老城区,五十块花钱买教训,其实还蛮崩溃的,周末大好时光流逝,被说太宅了,终于决定出门走走,还中奖,真邪恶体质。我也想有朋友,有交际,可惜不太想走出去,再主动去交新朋友了,上班的时候输出了太多,我需要solidarity,需要独处,需要close friends instead of hanging-out friends.


或许和很多有兄弟姐妹的朋友们相比起来,作为独生子女,我拥有一个Unequal childhoods, 但今天所想的一些话也是我的心声,不在一个圈子,也在不同的人生阶段了,共情自然会差些,躺平多好,不必烦恼。这一天的负面反馈真的还蛮多的,没关系,从地铁口出来,迎面而来是周日加班的小伙伴,其实与他们相比,我已经很轻松了,应该努力再投入另一门考试,不在意这些评价就好了,「举世誉之而不加劝,举世非之而不加沮」。给自己设立几个相对容易达到的目标,就会好些。

Hebe 今天终于拿到了金曲奖,坚持一件事情,做下去,时间大概率是不会骗人的。


Never settle for a single place until you find the place you are passionate about.



Justify my place in society is also a new challenge as I just migrate to a new city.

What I wanna do for the next year?

I may not be able to answer this specific question so far. I know love commitment and the pure relationship might be a blessing if I am going to pursue.

Auto biographical Planning might be a way for cultivating thoughts and answering this question. Thinking of the past experience I have had and the places I went, let the ideas of mine wandering freely in the air is always a top choice for goal setting.

Does the Phone get rid of my boredom?

Definitely Not. Even if I am living alone, I am connected with the world via this medium.

I tried to remove the device from my life, while it turned out to be in vain. “我努力过,但终究一切徒劳”。

Why Instant Message App is Not good for me?

As I am put in the spot, I have to wait there for someone or reply the message. Though these tiny little decisions are trivial, making that decision will require an alleviation of boredom.

The pain just goes to the very deep of who am I and to whom I will become. So, think carefully, before pressing the button to unlock the Phone.

Being bored leaves our brain room to mature.

Loneliness is not the single word for single people, it is even worse for married people. What’s going to work next? Incredible stress and uncertainty do come together in this changing world, there is no right path. None of us can answer on our own, for that purpose, we need to talk together.

Pain in the neck

這輩子很短,短得沒時間討厭自己,所以与其沉湎于过去,不如凝视当下。 A dead-simple solution is to have the gaze on the exact moment we are having.



Dyadic formation theory:According to the theory of dyadic formation, when people discover similarities, attraction arises. Subsequently, this leads them to seek more and more similarities.

On a personal level, I feel great if I am being acknowledged. However, it is usually awkward for me to respond to such appreciation or compliments upon the moment.



Today, I’ve picked up a fun word spelled as supercalifragilisticexpialidocious to express the appreciation from a child.

  • 性格的中性不应该成为职场上的blocker,仅有的女性性格优势应该助力我们,而是应该成为加速器“。

那一年转身离开的只有我的骄傲。 – 《我沒有談的那場戀愛》


台湾电影的人情味儿让我沉醉。食物是一种幸福的符号。 孤味(Little Big women)是一部好电影,是有93‘年饮食男女的影子在的。

However, do not Playing nice anymore.

New come-alongs

  1. Explanatory Comma: National Public Radio’s (NPR) Code Switch podcast tackles issues of race and identity and I love to listen regularly. Not only does the podcast provide a window into perspectives and experiences different from my own, but it also has helped to remove the blinders to some (many!) of the privileges that I have. One such privilege – the result of white privilege – is the ability to consume media and entertainment and understand, most of the time, what is being discussed. An “explanatory comma” is rarely needed for the references that pop up in my everyday life.
  2. Resting bitch face: also known as **RBF**, or bitchy resting face (BRF).
  3. A Cappella music: originally from the religious scenario as people are singing without instruments. There is also a similar type of music in the lslamic world, which is called nasheed.
  4. Joss paper: also known as ghost or spirit money, are paper-crafts or sheets of paper made into burnt offerings common in Chinese ancestral worship Worship of their ancestors.
  5. 人生海海: 闽南话,是形容人生复杂多变但又不止这意思,它的意思像大海一样宽广,但总是教人好好活, 而不是去死的意思。