Enjoy the Sea shanty~
Nihilism: 我们不可能拥有所有好的东西
在假期工作(摸鱼)的最后几个小时,读了一篇纽约客的review,这篇影评是奉献给这部引发一部名叫Rick and Morty的动画, 这篇文章发表于2017年的十月份,那个时候我还在申请学校,期待着研究生的美好生活。但如今,当我成为一名寻找自身意义的社畜时,回望这篇文章似乎让我有更多的启发。
Rick and Morty really supplies an artful answer to the question of what follows postmodernism.
2017年的早些时候,Rick and Morty的第三季在Adult Swim频道完结了。Adult Swim是一个是一個以成人观众(大概是18-34岁左右) 为主要受众的美国电视频道,主要播放动画节目。完结篇吸引了大概260万观众,这是一个生动的虚无主义动画,你可说他是闹剧连篇,并因时空的影响而很难理解,但其中折射出来的哲学思考,却让人非常high,毕竟是个人也不会爱教条的说教,但在这个动画中我看到了编剧的神奇想象力,把那些抽象的概念变成一个小小的故事,整合起了严肃哲学,平行宇宙,克隆灵魂那些庞大的概念,还有家庭中的沟通小闹剧,真的很喜欢,哈哈哈。
Pray for Texas, pray for the poor and starving
溯源: Where’s the anger coming from?
There is always something that is not teachable, cuz you can only know the essence of the thing by experiencing it.
思考的:每天进步一点点,也挺快乐。 Keep calm, the work has not made me who I am, I am who I am, and this is something myself need to insist:
- 很多事情,很多人都需要经历过才知道,所以只能边做边学,想通过提前知道一条公理,然后去面对这些纷繁之事,是不太可能的,因为people shall change.
- 另外,能够正确归因很多暂时无法解释的事情,即便不能完全理顺事情发展的整体脉络,也是这周我学到的一个非常重要的点。Attribution theory can always be a good help for
- 还有就是用不同的沟通方式去表述同一份统计结果,其实在学校我们花了很多年做的事情,就是能将事情说清楚,所以不要小瞧了这一点。keep the statement defensive and also intuitive is the only way for communicating statistical results. Don’t judge, the communication does matter in the giant organization.
- 我做的每一件事情/每一个选择不需要都去justify, the only thing that matters is this spectacular moment.
PTSD symptoms resulting from indirect trauma exposure through work is common enough that in the literature there are a number of terms to describe these mental health consequences, including “secondary traumatic stress”, “compassion fatigue”, and “vicarious traumatization”.
I hear something:新的表达
Sturm und Drang
: (German: “Storm and Stress”), German literary movement of the late 18th century that exalted nature, feeling, and human individualism and sought to overthrow the Enlightenment cult of Rationalism. Goethe and Schiller began their careers as prominent members of the movement.Diction
is a writer or speaker’s word choice that helps define the written or spoken word and expresses personal style.- The
Lingua Franca(通用语)
serves as one of the most significant bridge language for communication, NYT even called it as the common store of wit and wisdom.- You dirty rat – Taxis in NYC
- Greed, for lack of a better word, is good - Wall Street
Podcast Snippets
- 鼓腹而游: 出自《庄子》“含哺而熙,鼓腹而游”,是被小镇做题家那期吸引,其实最早这个节目脱胎于忽左忽右,几个anchor都来自于文化圈/出版行业.
- 小声喧哗: 四个旅美new tech从业女生,从影视和文化产品出发,探讨生活方式,文化冲击和人生价值的节目
- 一天世界: 没办法,李如一的聪明和美学感受力就是让我着迷
虽然这些节目中有的已经停更,有些还在坚持update,但还是希望能将这些spectacular moments share with U :)