2022 Lunar New Year’s Bit by bit
1.Be soft and embrace the ease of life is a great lesson to be learned in 2022.
首先无需要面对的一个真实生活真相是,在目前的生活状态和工作场景中,似乎已经不能够很简单地找到一个,足够我长久发展的可切入的立足点了。作为一个有一些些焦虑,同时也有些完美主义的个体,我承认,在很长一段时间里,我都没有能够很好地 buy in “work hard, play harder” 这样的思维模式,因为处在系统里的我,也存在着工作日的惯性(更形象点来说,是一种在前进的过程中无法从容积累和放手的自如)
偶然读到一个NYC的瑜伽姑娘的文章,被她的坦率和她对于自我的探索和认知精神折服了。在她的博客中,她写道:“Coincidence is a gentle push/pull from the universe”.
How amazing it is that she incorporate herself into such a giant space and feeding herself with the nutritions that are coming from the wind goes through, from the bright sunshine on her faces and from all loverly/messy things that originates from wild nature.
2.Expose myself to common challenges of work and reducing the times when losing faith.
3.Be present with my own, gazing at the gratitude and this exact moment.
As I enter my early adulthood, I’m proud of the work I’ve done to cope with pressure by bolstering my self-esteem and minimizing my need for external validation. I focus on gratitude, perspective, and on the joy this sport brings me, regardless of whether I’m alone or in front of a worldwide TV audience. Though my views of myself and the world are constantly evolving, one thing is for certain: no matter how much time passes, I’ll always be a hopeless romantic when it comes to fear.
虽然对于Eileen Gu的态度有些复杂,但是她的这番发言确实让我很受启发,和滑板一样,最开心的时刻是放松身体,在那一个专注的时刻,而且往往这个时候最不容易摔,恰恰是当我把注意力放在记动作技巧,想着怎么变得cool一些的时候,会摔到很惨。所以,更明晰自己当下和未来1-2年的最想做的事,不害怕地放手去做,那么很多时候结果可能会出乎意料。
4.Balancing independence, solitude, and interdependence. Try to learn and embrace a healthy relationship with my beloved.
我们无法谈论“爱情”,我们以“孤独”来谈论“爱情”。 一个永恒的悖论,就是一个永恒的距离,一个永恒孤独的现实。 永恒的距离,才能引导永恒的追寻。永恒孤独的现实,才能承载永恒爱情的理想。所以在爱的路途上,永恒的不是孤独也不是团聚,而是祈祷。 – 《爱情问题》1994,史铁生
Sketches of Life for new me in 2022
Becoming A 务实的浪漫主义者 / 勤劳勇敢的打工小妹 / 更用心生活一些的世界公民/ 学习讲故事的业余researcher | |
传统上,人类一直基于四大学问——哲学、科学、宗教、艺术——来寻求亚里士多德问题的答案“一个人应当如何度过他的一生” 但如今,如果不是为了应付考试,谁还会去读黑格尔或康德?科学曾经是最伟大的阐述者,如今却将人生解释得支离破碎、艰深复杂、令人困惑。谁还会不带讥诮地去倾听经济学家、社会学家和政治家的高谈阔论?宗教对于许多人来说已经变成了一种掩饰虚伪的空洞仪式。随着我们对传统意识形态的信仰日益削减,人们转而寻求我们依然相信的源泉:故事的艺术。——罗伯特·麦基 |
1 | 精神上的安宁是一种很昂贵的东西: When you love someone, your feet can feel the ground. |
2 | 合理分配给生活的时间 和 给工作的时间,其实选择权是掌握在自己手中的,不要被钱和暂时的想象力困住。 |
3 | 见缝插针利用free time,多感受不同的城市风貌和气息,南来北往,保持思维的新鲜和活力。 |
4 | 有筛选性地高质量阅读:有限时间,读悦己之文,在被封闭的niche里也要牢记小声喧哗。 |
5 | Ukelele 2/3首曲子,带着滑板溜一溜各大公园,多加练习讲故事的艺术, |
6 | 多关心身边人,爱护队友,不吝啬表达,遇事不要预设,多些勇气和信心,即便害怕也有人一起share。 |
7 | 在最糟糕的时候,记得回来读一读,别忘了,做一切事情的基础是信任。 “吃好喝好睡好”,love is still the answer,退一步也没什么大不了。 |
8 | 植物可以给人极大的治愈感,照顾好一株植物,带它们晒够太阳。 |
真想大隐隐于shopping mall,北京的元宝建筑毫无美感可言,但藏匿于此的电影院确实质量不错,《爱情神话》是一部勉强只能描写市民社会的苦咖啡/小甜水电影,可是好歹偏见地真实。
Today my colleague Seb was discussing the movie Pop Fictions
with me, the one he fell in love with.
When I was complainning against the 996 working hours, “Show them your attitudes” is not a good excuse, it’s hard to describe the feelings and cultural customs to him an just one sentence.
This morning, when I woke up and tried to get myself recovered from the fatigue, one thought just flipped my mind and it was quite shocking: as non-physical existence, the platform that I am working on almost makes no difference to any of my family, the happiness, joy and sorrow are all wrapped in one small box called smart-phone, and I am spending most of time gazing at the most dirty and dark edges of the humanity, how silly it is, sooooooo sad.
On the other hand, I have been dragged away from the central team and the core business which I once fully engaged in. The stance is also different and I know this will definitely shape the future lifestyle I would have in the next 6 months or so.
NFT one digital Collage is sold for 69.3m dollars, oh my god. What’s going on?
“The Problem With NFTs,” a long video essay by the Canadian media critic Dan Olson, ricocheted around all corners of the tech world since it was uploaded on Friday. (It now has 2.6 million views and climbing.)
A writing style that contains a mix of Chinese and English is always confusing and hard to interpret. I did not notice it in the first place.I am still struggling to navigate the way ahead of me.
抓包:互联网公司们常用的一种记录logging,复现bug,测试稳定性的方法。 就像是小叮当的任意门,可以轻松随意开。
A pet peeve is a particular thing that bugs you every time
Today, I encountered this new term when reading the user guide of my colleague, he listed all the annoyances he had and he would complain about. I think it can be a good way to set the boundaries and inform all collaborators when we have cross-functional projects.
Covid-19 still shows no sign of letting up.
what my duties will entail as a platform product manager in 2022?
Over the past few months, I have witnessed a giant transition from a singular and small team to the multitudes of back-end engineers, front-end designers and algorithm ML engineers. To be honest, the current living conditions for newbies in TikTok are harsh and it requires extra effort being paid and more active engagements to be committed.
With the chat channels prolonged, I am dragging towards an extensive loop to prove how profitable/meaningful my work is. This is right in some sense, it provides a strong backbone of the designed strategy and a lengthy enough system to secure the successful attribution if anything bad happens after the product been launched.
is banned in the US, how silly and irresponsible it is for the decision-making!
Talent Acquisition Toolkits:
Today, the affinity & bandwagon bias mentioned in the interviewers’ training also inspired me. Usually, I would personally infer some info from the statements given by the candidate.
- Organizational matters and business information are confidential from being shared.
- For certain arenas, if I do have any follow-up questions/concerns on the candidate, I can mark it down on the scorecard.
- Competency-based questions are tricky enough
今天和被面试的新加坡同学学到一个新表达:nudge the users
(让用户感知),确实微信的拍一拍也是用的这个词,不过用这个来替代sensible to users这个过于正式的表达会让我觉得更fit。
用 AI 发电/有AI心:模型同学完美中英谐音梗。
The fontawesome package is easy and nice to be rendered online as they can showcase the latest social media icons (which can convey another layer of meaning via vivid presentation/usability and can be easily remembered).
With the package being loaded, we can render little symbols with simple prefix called fa
Fun episodes:「打工小妹如我,在马戏团上班,专门训练程序猿,每天不定时加班,受夹板气,努力不爆肝。」
常常和在外漂泊的打工同学们感慨:「我们回不去了」,很多时候,家乡的城市也发展的很快,成长过程中那个我曾经习以为常的山边小县城,似乎已经和我渐行渐远了。但是家乡历史和文脉传承还是做得比较好的, 地方性体制里或多或少有些普通的文人们,虽然没有那一整套子。
Embrace my anxiety as a salarygirl. 拥抱工作带来的焦虑感,但过年了,松弛感的获得竟成了我需要重新学习的东西。社会时钟的节奏还在不断地往前走,身边人都已经走入了人生比较稳定的阶段,耳畔响起了这首老歌:“你说你,想要逃,偏偏注定要落脚”
市侩的气息我很讨厌。 但是,去终南山的隐居青年们,无法抛弃经济问题,生存资源,实际在多大程度上可以脱离当代的商业生活而长久平衡呢?
- Are you on mute?你是静音了吗?
- Are you mute?你是哑巴了吗?
Inspired by female sociology professors I knew in academia, I get to develop my own interests and hobbies along the working path.
North America Female Sociologists:
- Ya-wen Lei: http://www.yawenlei.com/, the platform architecture and the structural deprivation imposed on individuals are the most evident and thought-provoking reflections I’ve touchbased on.
- Emma Zang: http://www.emmazang.net/
- Fen Lin: https://www.fenjlin.com/(one of my role models since grad school, her life-style and observation is really inspiring)
- Elizabeth: https://mhbsd.net/
RIP, loudmurmurs. Such a doom day!
The normal pace interrupted by Chinese Lunar New Year is flooding me. I have to say, it’s a beautiful mess.
Today I happened to encounter a document providing an awesome tutorial for social-science background researchers on how we can understand the convolutionary layers in an intuitive way.
The Maxpooling:
- Finding the vertical structure of the graph
- Identifying the horizontal structure of the graph
- Conductng a combination/mix of the above two structures
2022-02-13 写作的艺术:彩色玻璃和透明窗扉
George Orwell once wrote that ‘Good prose is like a window pane.’
阿西莫夫《人生舞台》第72章的题目就叫写作风格。这里同样用到了窗户玻璃的比喻: 有的作品就像你在有色玻璃橱窗里看到的镶嵌玻璃,这种玻璃橱窗本身很美丽,在光照下色彩斑斓,却无法看透它们。同样,有的诗作本身很美丽,很容易打动人,但是如果你想弄明白怎么回事的话,这类作品可能很晦涩,很难懂。
Always treat myself as a neophyte writer, and adopting a measured tone when writing.
Always Pick up New Phrases
1. Hone my knowledge/Sharpen my skills -- I heard this from a Singaporean candidate
2. Close on a positive note -- End of year blessings in the meeting
3. **Ricocheted** around all corners of the tech world 在圈子里被疯狂转发(运用球体的反射来比喻,非常精妙)
4. Sucks the air out of a room/Sucking up all oxygean in the room. -- To [dominate](https://www.wordsense.eu/dominate/) or overwhelm.
5. `That is music to my ears`. -- 听到Good news,比较激动,感叹一句。
6. Scrambling for a piece of action. -- 分一杯羹
7. Pitfalls on pronounciation: tunes.
8. Formosa --葡萄牙语:美丽
9. DND = Do Not Disturb
10. gig workers: 零工经济。
11. Lymph = 淋巴
12. 队友推荐Blog:https://coolshell.cn/featured